Updated 3/1/2025

All current information provided below

Click on more information to view pedigrees, additional photos, etc. 

Limited AKC(spay/neuter), inquire about Full placement(show/breeding).

Average price regardless of sex/color - $3500

Full Payment required at time of pick-up or prior to transport.  

Cash Price Posted - 7% fee for electronic transfer.

Links to recommended products - https://linktr.ee/magixzpoms

Microchip and AKC Limited Registration Submitted for you with no additional fees to pay.


Older puppies will be priced individually.

Retired adults - Price will be cost of spay/neuter & dental.

For Sale

Accepting Applications

MoMo (Magix'z )

  • On Hold Pending Pick-up - Brittany S
Price: $1000.
Pick-up in Memphis, Michigan 48041 - Ground transport available

Accepting Applications

Bonnie (CH Magix'z Total Eclipse of the Heart)

  • On Hold Pending Pick-up - Christine L.
  • Champion Daughter of Tommy Lee Grand Champion Carleez Kickstart my Heart & Sabrina Magix'z Cast a Spell on You
Price: $1000.
Pick-up in Memphis, Michigan 48041 - Ground transport available

Retired adults and older pups also available. Grow out many pups in hope they will enjoy and be suitable to show.  Sometimes they are just best suited for performance sports or to be snuggled on the couch.  All raised in my home as loved pets.

I know that the idea of a socialized, travel acclimated adult is sometimes more appealing than purchasing a puppy. Older dogs are the equivalent to adopting someone in their 20’s they have grown up with 24/7 company from me and the other dogs. All dogs here are trained to use doggy door and piddle pads. They may not want to potty on lead with a dog walker or they expect their own pet door. How and when they eat is a big deal and changes are not always easy.  They are accustomed to living in a communal setting and usually do better with a buddy.  Older dogs are amazing. They are not a short cut for time, training but can be the perfect companion for the right people.

Is dog breeding a real job?

Well let's break it down.

Being available 24/7/365. ✅️ 

Running a kennel for dogs is a job so  ✅️

Dog Groomer is a real job so ✅️

Photographer is a real job so ✅️

Advertising is a real job so ✅️

Working at a laundromat is a job so ✅️ 

Book keeping is a job so ✅️

Being a vet tech is a job so ✅️  

That 9-5 sounds so nice some days, be able to come home and clock off or actually have days off.

To be able to go out with family & friends and not have to worry about stuff at home.

To be able to have a normal sleep schedule.

Up every 3 hours for weeks after birth monitoring and sometimes hand raising.

I do it all myself, Exhausted or not it's all me.

Yes the dogs work too and I make sure they have the best care and the love they deserve.

But that doesn't take away from the amount of work a breeder does.